
A favorite topic of the boating people. And justifiably so, because going downwind in a breeze with the sun shining down on you is a world apart from beating into a gale with the rain mixing with the spray from the sea to make everything wet, wet, wet. Mind you, for some, that is an attraction too!

Below you'll find links to excellent weather sites covering every little corner of the world. And every square inch of ocean.

Links to weather sites

Carib WX
Caribbean weather information.

Commander's Weather
Weather consultant to the "Whitbread Around the World Race", among many other things.

Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center
Behind that catchy name there is a lot of numbers. And if you are interested, it is actually very interesting.

Intellicast's SAILcast.
Absolutely excellent weather resource for the boating people!

Too bad (for many of us) that this site is in French only, because it is very very good!

A private company specializing in marine weather forecasts.

The Oceanographic Products and Services Division (OPSD) collects, analyzes and distributes historical and real-time observations and predictions of water levels, coastal currents and other meteorological and oceanographic data for the US.

The Weather Underground, Inc.
...with a lot of useful information for boaters too.

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ã Salty Seas
One of several essential boating sites at